A new year has rolled around and we have already a number of Dynamics NAV related conferences confirmed. Here they are, in the chronological order.
March 16-19, Atlanta, United States
A conference covering all Microsoft business solutions, including Dynamics NAV. For partners and customers, business owners and indiduals users, this is the most versatile Microsoft business solutions event.
October 5-7, Mannheim, Germany
Kicking off NAV-only conference marathon this Autumn, ever growing and expecting 1200 attendees this year. This is probably the main NAV partner focused conference, catering for all parts of community, from project managers and sales people to consultants and developers.
October 12-16, Reno, United States
A conference which focuses on the end-users of NAV. Learn to make the best use of the product and share your knowledge with the comminity of begginer and power NAV users.
October 25-28, Orlando, United States
The US twin-conference of Directions, this year has been schedulled next to its European counterpart.
November 19-20, Antwerp, Belgium
For all of you NAV techies out there, this is the conference to look out for. Organised by the people behind mibuso.com - one of the largest NAV communities online and aimed for the technical part of the community, taking place for the 5th year in a row already. Bring out your developer hat and join the crowd.
November 30 - December 3, Barcelona, Spain
Mirroring the event in the US, this Microsoft business solutions focused event is closing the season of 2015 in Europe.
Mark down the dates in your calendars, we will definitely see you in some of these events!
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