The Case
The Learning Network (TLN), formerly known as Van-Dijk Educatie, is an education products provider in Netherlands, celebrating its 80th anniversary this year.
Having a fairly large solution built on NAV, The Learning Network is employing an in-house team for day to day Dynamics NAV support and enhancements. When a time came to consider an upgrade path from the classic NAV 2009 based system to NAV 2016, The Learning Network chose to outsource the project to an external provider, taking the sizable effort off the internal team.
The Solution
B3 Technologies was one of the Dynamics NAV upgrade service providers contacted by The Learning Network and having won the tender, was contracted to do the upgrade. To minimize the risk and maximize the uptime during the upgrade period, it was chosen to initially upgrade the solution to RTC on NAV 2009, enabling to use both, classic and RoleTailored NAV clients in parallel. With such setup, the end users would have been able to fall back to the classic client in case there were unforeseen issues with conversion to RTC. After successful first stage of the upgrade to NAV 2009 RoleTailored client, the solution was then upgraded to Dynamics NAV 2016.
“We have contacted B3 Technologies while looking for an efficient way to outsource the upgrade project of our in-house solution, keeping our internal resources focused on the day-to-day support of the business. With the upgrade expertise of B3 Technologies were able to execute the upgrade project with a minimal overhead on the existing team workload. We will definitely consider outsourcing our next upgrade project with them.” -- Luc van Vugt, Senior Developer and co-Project Manager, The Learning Network
The Outcome
By outsourcing the upgrade of their Dynamics NAV solution to B3 Technologies, The Learning Network have balanced their internal resource capacity while at the same time taking advantage of the work being done by the team specializing in Dynamics NAV upgrades, making sure that their internal resources are being used in the most effective way.
With the involvement of B3 Technologies the whole solution was upgraded from NAV 2009 classic to NAV 2016 in 7 months with a negligible number of issues.
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