Yesterday, Microsoft has announced that Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Business Edition will be re-branded as Dynamics 365 Business Central. The re-branded product is launching on April 2, 2018 bringing full Dynamics NAV capabilities to the cloud. In addition to the new product name, the release also adds application modules that so far were only available in the on premises version of the product, such as manufacturing, warehousing and service management.
The official web site for the new version of the product can be found here: Dynamics 365 Business Central while the roadmap for the current and upcoming updates can be found here: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Roadmap.
There will be two price points for the product: Essential and Premium. To quote Microsoft:
Essential includes:
Premium includes following functionality, in addition to what’s offered in Essential:
Somewhat shadowed by the upcoming release note was the fact that the on-premises version of the product which was so far known as Dynamics NAV 2018 R2 has been pushed out to fall of 2018.
For further information you can refer to the original post on the Microsoft Blog.
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